02 Apr

I disapprove, so you must desist

The Welsh go in for some exotic pastimes. They’re known for it – especially the hill farmers. But this one beats sheep-shearing any day…

Mark Drakeford, Welsh health minister, is introducing a Bill which will ban the smoking of electronic cigarettes in public places. His attempted justification for this amounts to a private ambition to occupy the highest of the moral high ground. He says:

“Taking concerted, collective action to address public health concerns remains one of the most powerful contributions any government can make to the welfare and wellbeing of its population. Alcohol and tobacco contribute to many life-threatening illnesses and are major causes of persistent inequalities in health. I have concerns about the impact of e-cigarettes on the enforcement of Wales’ smoking ban. That’s why we are proposing restricting their use in enclosed public places.” He added that he fears e-cigs “normalise smoking.”

There’s the socialist mantra for you: he’s not even talking about ill-health, but about “inequalities” in health. Indeed, in the ideal socialist state everyone of whatever class or income bracket would be required to just as healthy – or just as sick – as everyone else.

Well, Mr Drakeford, smoking is normal: it’s one of the things that normal people do – despite your lofty disdain and disapproval. Besides being outrageous, his proposal to ban these e-cigs is irrational, for, unlike passive smoking, they do not harm anyone’s health. I notice he mentions booze as well. Using the same argument, he might as well propose to ban lemonade because drinking non-alcoholic drinks could encourage some to take to the gin bottle. “I have concerns about the impact of e-cigarettes…” But is such a snooty personal prejudice an excuse to embark on a programme of state-sponsored puritanism. This is the sort of thing that went on under the dictator Oliver Cromwell.

If ever we could want to ban something, we might choose pompous statist nannying – starting with the Welsh 
